Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fix Or Repair Daily

     So Friday night, when i was at He Brews for the Karaoke night since it was the last day of school (here anyway), I somehow managed to lose my keys (and not just one....cuz otherwise i would have said "i lost my house key, or i lost my mailbox key). So i looked all over the place; under the only chair i ever sat in, in all my 10+ pockets, all throughout my car, on the ground leading from my seat to my car....everywhere.

     The only place i had visited after exitting my car was the Justice Court to fax some paperwork to my school for verification. So since i was leaving around 8:30 PM, naturally, they were closed for the weekend. So i had no way of getting my car home. No biggie, right - i'll just use my grandma's and get my keys back on monday. Turns out they weren't at the Justice Court....they weren't anywhere (Eddie even looked through the trash from the friday night to see if someone had thrown them away by accident; no luck).

     So there's this whole deal about figuring out what to do and having my car towed home. And then today - Tuesday - i get a spare...replica key made and almost have another incident. I go to Wal Mart to try and find a keychain or one of those things that go around your neck, and almost get locked out of my car. Turns out the key they made, for some weird reason, will start my car, and lock the doors from the outside...but it just won't unlock them. I'm just lucky i had that spare key that unlocks the car but doesn't start it...otherwise i would have been hard pressed......hehehehehehehe

     It's really dumb tho, cuz the key that unlocks my car was the one they used to make the copy of...so it should have made no difference whatsoever.

     Oh well

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